Natural Baby and Childcare Pediatrics
In our office, we work together as a team and share the vision of optimal health for families using the 'best of both worlds' approach in both conventional, homeopathic and osteopathic medicine.
Well Baby/Child Visits Similar to other pediatric offices, our well-child visits are scheduled at regular intervals including: newborn period, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months 12 months, 15 months, 18 months and so on. In addition to checking your baby's measurements, performing a physical exam and answering your questions and concerns, we will ask about sleep habits, feeding, nursing, peeing, pooping, developmental milestones, family life, and many other questions.
If your child is sick you have a choice of medication as we offer homeopathic treatment for complaints such as colds, fevers, and colic. Children with chronic conditions respond well to homeopathic treatment and osteopathic treatment. Consider a homeopathic consultation for ongoing complaints.(see homeopathic clinic) or cranial osteopathic treatments if pregnancy and birth was prolonged and difficult.
We offer thimerosal (mercury) free vaccines for families who choose to vaccinate, and prefer to vaccinate the children in our practice on a slower schedule. Dr. Hoang is available for consultation to interview the practice for expectant parents, and also vaccination safety appointments (see vaccination info).
Well Baby/Child Visits Sick Visits School Physicals Vaccine Friendly, Delayed Schedule or No Schedule
Payment for Pediatric Visits Most forms of PPO insurance are accepted. Please email our billing office at for more information about your child's insurance and deductible.