Bye-Bye, PMS:
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

Reprinted from Great Life Magazine

Remedies tailored to your symptoms can spell relief; plus, they are free from side effects.

Premenstrual syndrome is an all-encompassing term that is used to define many symptoms associated with the week or 10 days just before a woman's period. The symptoms, which may include irritability, tearfulness, depression, anxiety, food cravings, headaches, bloating, cramps, skin breakouts, breast tenderness and more, are so commonplace that women as well as men simply refer to them as PMS. At least 30 percent of women suffer from PMS and probably every woman at some time in her menstrual history has experienced it in varying degrees.

Although PMS can strike at slightly different times depending on the woman, it is most often experienced in the second half of the menstrual cycle, known as the luteal phase, which leads up to the onset of menstruation. PMS can be attributed to such problems as imbalance of hormone levels, uterine fibroids, endometriosis or even stress.

Homeopathic remedies can treat PMS. For a women who consistently suffers from PMS, as well-prescribed constitutional remedy from a homeopath can help end her suffering.

Individual Approaches
There are many homeopathic remedies that treat PMS, and it is always best to try to match the individual woman's symptoms and emotional state with that of the remedy. In other words, if five women come to my office with complaints of PMS, each may well be prescribed a different remedy. The chart below is a sampler of several remedies that can be used for PMS:

Belladonna is useful for intense cramps that come on suddenly. These throbbing pains are relieved when a woman straightens her body. Belladonna is indicated for a woman whose pains worsen when she bends over or applies pressure to her abdomen.

Colocynthis in contrast, works better for women whose cramps are relieved by applying pressure or warmth or doubling over. Usually a woman with these symptoms also suffers from premenstrual anger and irritability.

Magnesia phosphorica also is useful when the cramps improve with warmth and gentle pressure. However, it is most successful for women who do not suffer premenstrual irritability.

Pulsatilla improves a wide variety of PMS symptoms, and is often chosen for the woman who feels weepy and depressed and wants to be comforted. It also is prescribed when the woman tends to feel warm, feels better in the open air, and is not thirsty.

Lachesis mutus is one of the remedies that I prescribe when a woman states that her PMS symptoms are relieved once her period begins. I also prescribe lachesis when she reports that she has pain on her left side and/or palpitations, experiences jealousy and has a sensitivity to tight clothing around her abdomen.

Many patients come to my office looking for a homeopathic remedy that is natural and safe without any side effects. PMS symptoms respond well to homeopathic treatment.

For chronic conditions, I recommend constitutional homeopathic treatment, in which a homeopathic remedy is chosen by a trained homeopath after a lengthy interview. This method can be very effective for the long-term resolution of chronic conditions.