The Elements in Feng Shui and what they can mean for you:
by Dr. kac young

In the practice of Feng Shui there are four layers. One of those layers consists of the Five Natural Elements and how they interact to bring benefit or harm in one's life and environment.

When we practice Feng Shui we look to balance the ch'i, or the energetic force of life as it exists in our environments. One of the ways we handle the ch'i is to balance it using the five elements. We create the feel of our own environment and its energetic reality by applying the five natural elements to it in perfect balance.

articles we will discuss one element at a time. By the time this series is finished, you will have a clear knowledge of how these elements work in nature and how they can work for you.

This article we'll concentrate on Wood. This element is represented by all types of plants and wood-based growth. In our homes wood is represented by furniture, paneling, siding, shingle roofing, decks, indoor and outdoor plants as well as dried flowers and real plants. Plant-based textiles such as cotton and rayon represent it too. Floral prints, upholstery, drapery and linens also denote the Wood element.

Wood is also represented by columnar shapes, like the truck of a tree which is also beams, pedestals poles and stripes. Wood is represented by the colors blue and green.

The purpose of the five elements is to "balance" the environment. You want to achieve just the right balance of each element in your home, room or office. If there is too much Wood in a given area you will find the energy is overwhelming. If there is too little, you will experience lack of trust, lack of intuition and lack of growth.

You can balance the wood element by making sure there is some present in each room. It must balance in quality and quantity with the four other elements. You want to make sure it is present, visible and that you can feel its energy in each room. Look around and see what you can see. The wait until we discuss the other element to determine whether or not you have too little or too much in a selected space. We will discuss Fire, Earth, Metal and Water in upcoming issues.

kac young is President of The Feng Shui Specialist Inc. For more info go to: For consultation call: (805) 927-2222.