Herbal Medicine Overview:
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

Excerpt from Natural Baby and Childcare


For centuries, cultures across the world have recognized the healing properties of herbs, and have passed this knowledge through the generations so that it remains a vital force in holistic healing today.  Herbal medicine is also known as botanical medicine or phytomedicine, and some of its better known remedies include echinacea, goldenseal, and St. John’s wort. 

Although they are considered safer than standard prescriptions, herbal preparations can still interact with medications, so always check with an herbalist if you have questions about the safety of using a treatment in conjunction with other prescriptions.  On the whole, though, herbal medicine works as a wonderful complement to other treatments and can boost your child’s immune system. In the index, you will find several commonly used herbs to treat conditions for children.  Children are more cooperative when herbs are either pleasant tasting or pleasantly concealed; liquid extracts from tinctures or glycerites and teas and infusions from dried herbs are suitable for children.