The Element of Earth:
by Dr. kac young

The Element of Earth:
By Dr. kac young

In the practice of Feng Shui we honor the presence and the balance of Five natural Elements: Fire, Wood, Earth, Metal and Wood. In previous articles we have discussed Fire, Water and Wood. This month we  take a deeper look at the element of Earth. As mentioned before the goal of  Feng Shui is to achieve balance among the five natural elements.  One of those elements is Earth Too much Earth in a room or a house can over stimulate the Ch'i (life force) resulting in too much seriousness, anal behavior, acute discipline and highly conservative attitudes. If there is not enough Earth in the room you may experience being spacey, ungrounded, disconnected, unstable, shakey, or barren. Earth affects the physical body, specifically taste so to keep the body functioning fully and healthily, stay balanced with Earth. To bring this element into balance with the other four, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal, you will need to make sure you look for excess or lack and correct it with the following representations of Earth.

The Things That Represent Earth are:
-adobe brick,
-artwork  depicting landscapes, deserts, fields, meadows

Earth is also represented by the colors in the earth-tones and yellow spectrum and by the shape of squares and rectangles. Therefore you could have a representation of Earth using pottery, soil, ceramics or objects that are yellow or colored in the earth tones of gold, brown, deep garnet and ochre or by using the shape of a square or rectangle.

The Element of Earth is concerned with growth and growing.  It has a dynamic quality of stability and grounding, and can be helpful or destructive depending on how it is used. It can foster our growth and provide us with a sense of belonging or it can uproot us and cause us to be overly conservative and fear-ridden. Earth is assisted by water which nourishes all that is planted within it. Earth can also conceal and smother if it is disturbed or mishandled. Remember that we are made from the earth and to it we shall all return. The element of Earth represents the cycle of life from birth to death and everything contained within the circle of mortality. Balancing this element is key to harmonious living.

For more information log onto: to purchase Dr. kac young’s book  Feng Shui The Easy Way or for more information. Private consultations are available by calling 805 927 2222.