Natural Medicine and Immune Boosters During the Flu Season:
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

What can I do to protect myself and my family during the swine flu season

Because symptoms are similar to that of the flu (fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing and sometimes sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea) consider taking the same preventive measure that you would use during the flu season to strengthen the immune system. This is the following list of general recommendations during the flu season:

Common sense - you have it, use it.
Frequent hand washing
Avoid swimming if the weather is cold, especially for susceptible children and adults.
Get plenty of rest
Avoid becoming chilled, wear an extra thin layer of clothing
If your child is ill, keep him or her at home
Cook your pork thoroughly.
If you are sick, stay home, avoid travel.
Minimize junk food (refined sugar compromises the immune system)
For severe symptoms, contact your healthcare provider
Natural Medicines and Immune Strengtheners
Briar Rose is a general immune strengthener for children, Black Currant or Common Birch for adults.
Because the digestive tract makes up 70% of the immune system, consider using Probiotics which contain healthy concentrated form of the good bacteria that lines the gut.

Natural products used during the flu season are Winter Tonic and Oscillococcinum.  Winter Tonic is reformulated each year and contains the flu strains from 1918 to the current year. It is taken weekly during the flu season.

Oscillo  is useful for all types of flu, especially in the earlier stages. Many of my patients claim that Oscillo greatly shortened the duration of the flu. It can be used for both children and adults.
Colloidal Silver (Silver Biotics) can be used to maintain a strong immune system or can be used as a first line of defense. Silver Biotics is a broad spectrum bactericide