Sacred Foods: Feeding our Future Generations: Couples, Pregnancy, Nursing and Babies:
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

For couples in their pre-conception phase (6 months prior) to pregnancy, lactation, babies and children. 
Pregnant Women:  Eggs, butter, organ meat, raw milk, bone broth.  Fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil.
Lactation:  Liver, eggs. Fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil
Babies:  4 months: -Boiled egg yolk + unrefined sea salt (4 months old)  brain development.
6 months – 10 months. Vegetables  (Steam mash puree, add warm water in a soup form – add butter, coconut oil or olive oil) Begin with white root vegetables, parsnip, turnip, white sweet potatoes, taro.   Yellow vegetables (squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, Green vegetables (broccoli, kale. Bananas, mashed. Fruit: avocado, melon, mangoes, papaya (mashed and raw).  Peaches, apricots, apples, pears, cherries, berries (cooked) Buttermilk, yoghurt, kefir (small tastes)  Meats, pureed
8 months-Creamed vegetable soups, stews, cottage cheese. 
12 months-Cereals, grains, lentils (all soaked) . Soaked brown rice may be tolerated earlier
After 1 year -Organic nut butters, raw salad vegetables, citrus fruit and whole egg.
Resources: Weston A. Price Foundation. Nourishing Traditions  by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig.