Homeopathic Treatment for Eye Conditions:
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

Excerpt from Natural Baby and Childcare (appropriate for adults too!)

In standard medical practice, mild cases of blocked tear duct are given a wait
and-see approach, as most open on their own. Persistent or severe cases are treated with a minor office procedure using a wire probe, though some may require surgery.  Bacterial eye infections are treated with compresses and antibiotic ointments.  Allergy eye drops and saline solution are recommended for irritation from viruses and allergies. 

Home Treatment

  • Wash eye with cool water using washcloth three times a day.
  • Place warm teabag compresses on each eye (Chamomile is a favorite).
  • Administer euphrasia (Eyebright), commercially prepared eye drops, several times a day.
  • Eye massage for blocked tear ducts has been known to open the membrane. Locate the tear duct in the inner corner of each eye. Gently massage in an upward direction toward the nose for one minute. Do this several times per day.
  • Don’t forget about breast milk. For generations, mothers have been known to squirt breast milk in baby’s eyes and nose. It works!

Homeopathic Remedies

Apis mellifica is known for conjunctivitis with great puffiness and redness of the eyelids. The eyes sting and burn, and the condition improves with cold compresses.

Argentum nitricum is strongly indicated for conjunctivitis in newborns. There is pus with thick, yellow, profuse discharge. Often, the eyelids are inflamed, with a thick crust.   The child acts frightened, hurried, and prefers company, feeling relief in the cool air.

Belladonna is associated with acute, sudden onset of intense symptoms, including pink eye.  The eyes are intensely bloodshot.  Extreme heat, dilated pupils, and hypersensitivity to noise, light, and touch are characteristic of Belladonna. It is also considered a strong remedy for right-sided conditions.

Calcarea carbonicum is indicated for pink eye and blocked tear ducts. The eyes are sensitive to light and tear in the open air. Babies and children who respond to Calcarea carbonicum tend to be large, sweat easily, and are prone to constipation. They are also independent, stubborn, and can play on their own with deep concentration.

Pulsatilla is useful for pink eye with lots of thick, yellow-green discharge. The characteristic Pulsatilla mood is weepy, whiney, and clingy. The child may have a desire for open air and rich food (which can also make them feel worse).  Pulsatilla is also indicated for blocked tear ducts in infants.

Silica is known to be helpful for infection of tear duct or blocked tear ducts in newborns. The Silica child may have a history of frequent colds and flu with swollen glands. The inflammation is often accompanied with sensitivity to light. This remedy is also useful for sties.


Briar Rose is for all infections in children.